holypipette.devices.manipulator.luigsneumann_SM10 module

Manipulator class for the Luigs and Neumann SM-10 manipulator controller.

Adapted from Michael Graupner’s LandNSM5 class.

Not all commands are implemented.

class holypipette.devices.manipulator.luigsneumann_SM10.LuigsNeumann_SM10(name=None, stepmoves=True)[source]

Bases: SerialDevice, Manipulator

absolute_move(x, axis, fast=None)[source]

Moves the device axis to position x.

  • axis (axis number (starting at 1))

  • x (target position in um.)

  • speed (optional speed in um/s.)

  • fast (True if fast move, False if slow move.)

absolute_move_group(x, axes, fast=None)[source]

Moves the device group of axes to position x.

  • axes (list of axis numbers)

  • x (target position in um (vector or list))

  • fast (True if fast move, False if slow move.)


Queries the fast speed setting for a given axis


Moves axes to zero position.


Move the axis to home.


Aborts home movement.


Returns to position before home command.


Current position along an axis.


axis (axis number (starting at 1))

Return type:

The current position of the device axis in um.


Current position along an axis, using the second counter.


axis (axis number (starting at 1))

Return type:

The current position of the device axis in um.


Current position along a group of axes.


axes (list of axis numbers)

Return type:

The current position of the device axis in um (vector).

relative_move(x, axis, fast=None)[source]

Moves the device axis by relative amount x in um.

  • axis (axis number)

  • x (position shift in um.)

  • fast (True if fast move, False if slow move. None: decide based on distance.)

relative_move_group(x, axes, fast=None)[source]

Moves the device group of axes by relative amount x in um.

  • axes (list of axis numbers)

  • x (position shift in um (vector or list).)

  • fast (True if fast move, False if slow move. None: decide based on distance.)

send_command(ID, data, nbytes_answer)[source]

Send a command to the controller

set_fast_speed(axis, speed)[source]

Sets the fast speed setting for a given axis

set_home_direction(axis, direction)[source]

Sets home direction.

set_home_velocity(axis, velocity)[source]

Sets home direction. Velocity between 0 and 15.

set_ramp_length(axis, length)[source]

Sets the ramp length for the chosen axis

  • axis (axis number)

  • length (length between 0 and 16)

set_single_step_distance(axis, distance)[source]

Distance (in um) for single_step.

set_single_step_factor_trackball(axis, factor)[source]

Sets the single step factor with the trackball command

  • axis (axis number)

  • factor (single step factor (what is it ??))

set_single_step_velocity(axis, velocity)[source]

Velocity for single_step. See table rps_slow.

set_slow_speed(axis, speed)[source]

Sets the slow speed setting for a given axis

single_step(axis, steps)[source]

Moves the given axis by a signed number of steps using the StepIncrement or StepDecrement command. Using a steps argument different from 1 (or -1) simply sends multiple StepIncrement/StepDecrement commands. Uses distance and velocity set by set_single_step_distance resp. set_single_step_velocity.

single_step_trackball(axis, steps)[source]

Makes a number of single steps with the trackball command

  • axis (axis number)

  • steps (number of steps)


Queries the slow speed setting for a given axis

step_move(distance, axis=None, maxstep=255)[source]

Relative move using steps of up to 255 um. This fixes a bug on L&N controller.


Stops current movements on one axis.


Stops all 9 axes (could be more).


Waits for the motors to stop. On SM10, commands of motors seem to block.


Sets the current position of the axes as the zero position.


Sets the current position of the axes as the zero position on the second counter.